Strategic Communication Conference

Faculty of Arts and Letters | University of Beira Interior
Auditorium I of Parada (entrance through the Museum of Lanifícios)
May 3, 2023, Wednesday


Under the theme "Public and Political Communication", the Strategic Communication Days will be a forum of excellence where academics and professionals from different countries will debate the importance of communication in mobilising citizens on issues of collective interest. Communication is proving increasingly fundamental to strengthening democracy, providing the public with clarification on public policies and electoral processes.

This event will discuss best practices in public and political communication, including topics such as communication consultancy in electoral contexts, public relations in government, communication as public policy, media relations and press relations, preparation of spokespeople and media training, inter-municipal communication and inter-ministerial communication.

It is intended that the Strategic Communication Days will be an opportunity to hear from experts with a wealth of experience and to debate, as professionals and academics, ways of improving public and political communication, with a view to ensuring that citizens are informed and involved.

The Strategic Communication Days are an event organised by LabCom - Communication and Arts in partnership with the Communication Advisory students of the Masters in Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation at the University of Beira Interior. The event is aimed at professors, researchers and students of Communication Sciences and Political Science, but also at communication professionals, journalists, communication and press officers.


Streaming of the event available at:

9:15 – 09:30 | Guest reception

09:30 – 10:00 | Opening session

10:00 – 10:45 | Opening conference "Council of
Communication" with Luís Paixão Martins, consultant for
communication and founder of the NewsMuseum

Moderator: Hugo Sampaio

10:45 – 11:45 | Panel "Public Relations in the Government Context" with Vasco
Ribeiro (Professor, University of Porto; Chief of Staff
of the Mayor of Porto) and Paloma
Piqueiras (Professor, Complutense University of Madrid)

Moderator: Gisela Gonçalves

11:45 – 12:00 | Coffee break

12:00 – 13:00 | Painel “Comunicação como Política
Pública” com Felisbela Lopes (professora, Univ. do
Minho), Daniela Santiago (jornalista e editora, RTP) e Paulo Magalhães (editor-chefe, CNN Portugal)

Moderator: João Carlos Correia

13:00 – 15:00 | Intervalo para almoço

15:00 – 16:30 | Painel “Assessoria de Imprensa e
Media Training” com Samuel Mateus (professor, Univ.
da Madeira), Sara Batalha (CEO, MTW Portugal), José
Gabriel Quaresma (pivot, CNN Portugal e media
coach) e Aurélie De Waele (professora, Universidade da Antuérpia)

Moderator: Sónia de Sá

16:30 – 16:45 | Coffee break

16:45 – 17:45 | Painel “Desafios da Comunicação Pública Intermunicipal” com Gisela Gonçalves (professora, Univ. da Beira Interior) e Mateus Noronha (investigador, Observatório de Comunicação Pública Intermunicipal)

Moderator: Anabela Gradim

17:45 – 18:30 | Conferência de encerramento “Comunicação Interministerial” com João Cepeda, diretor de comunicação do XXIII Governo de Portugal

Moderator: Bianca Persici Toniolo

18:30 – 20:00 | Porto de Honra Sunset


Picture of Aurélie De Waele

Aurélie De Waele

Professor at the Department of Communication Studies and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Vaccine Evaluation at the University of Antwerp, De Waele holds a PhD in Communication Sciences (2018, KU Leuven). Her research has centred on the impact of spokespeople's voices on public perception in crisis contexts. Her current interests include crisis communication, corporate communication and vaccination communication and, in particular, non-verbal aspects of these types of communication. She is a member of the organisational communication division of the Communication Association of the Netherlands and Flanders and works on several European projects aimed at increasing confidence in vaccination through communication.

Picture of Daniela Santiago

Daniela Santiago

Journalist and editor of Environment and Climate Action at RTP, Daniela Santiago has a master's degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies, specialises in Journalism and is also a lecturer on the Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Journalism at the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social. Academically, she studies the effects of media projection in situations of tragedy. He has done exceptional journalistic coverage of major world events in different parts of the globe. Between 2015 and 2021, she was a correspondent for Portuguese public television and Antena 1 in Spain.

She was awarded the Mejor Corresponsal Extranjera en España Prize by the Club Internacional de Prensa de España and the Asociación de Corresponsales de Prensa Extranjera. She was also honoured with the 1st Journalism Prize 'Human Rights and Integration 2008', awarded by the High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue and the UNESCO National Commission.

She is the author of four books: "The Perfect Storm - How the Extreme Right Returned to the Iberian Peninsula"; "The Comfort of Television - A Different View of the Entre-os-Rios Tragedy"; "Hell in Paradise - 15 Days in Sri Lanka after the Tsunami" and "Leonor's Caramel" (a children's book in ink, also printed in Braille). She has also co-authored ten books, most of them academic.

Picture of Felisbela Lopes

Felisbela Lopes

With a PhD in Television Information, Felisbela Lopes is an Associate Professor at the University of Minho, where she was Pro-Rector between 2009 and 2014. She teaches and carries out research in the field of Journalism at the Department of Communication Sciences and at CECS. In 1989 she was challenged to work at Rádio Universitária and, shortly afterwards, she joined the team that would create the Público newspaper in 1990.

She is the author of dozens of scientific articles and several books on the world of the "box that changed the world", including: Journalist: a threatened profession (Alêtheia Editores, 2015), Twenty Years of Private Television in Portugal (Guerra & Paz, 2012), A TV do Real (Minerva, 2008), A TV das Elites (Campo das Letras, 2007), A TV do Futebol (Campo das Letras, 2006) and O Telejornal e o Serviço Público (Minerva, 1999). She is a resident commentator for RTP and a columnist for Jornal de Notícias.

Picture of Gisela Gonçalves

Gisela Gonçalves

She has a PhD in Communication Sciences, is an Associate Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and a researcher at the LabCom - Communication and Arts research unit. She is vice-president of the Faculty of Arts and Letters at UBI and coordinator of the Master's programme in Strategic Communication. She was president of ECREA's Strategic and Organisational Communication Section. Her research interests include communication ethics, public relations, political communication, strategic communication and crisis communication. She is vice-president of Sopcom, the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences, and coordinator of ObCom - Observatory of Intermunicipal Public Communication.

He has published two books, edited ten collective volumes, supervised four doctoral theses and twenty-nine master's dissertations. His works include Ethics of Public Relations (Minerva Coimbra, 2013) and co-organisation of Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organisations: Challenges and Alternative Approaches (Vernon Press, 2016).

Picture of João Cepeda

João Cepeda

Since 2022, she has been the Prime Minister's communications director, a new position in the government's organisation, and is currently responsible for managing the Portuguese government's communications and presence on digital networks, as well as coordinating and articulating the communications of the various ministries.

With a degree in Social Communication from Universidade Católica, João Cepeda began his career at Diário de Notícias where, in his first year, he was posted as a "special envoy" to Macau to cover the last few months of Portuguese sovereignty. It was the first international experience of a career that would take him to 15 different countries and work in areas as diverse as culture, sport, justice and politics. In 2003 he moved to London, where he began working as a correspondent for Diário de Notícias and TSF, a role he later combined with being a columnist for Jornal de Notícias and a contributor to SIC and Sábado magazine. In 2006 he moved to the Lusa news agency, where he stayed until 2007 to found the Time Out brand in Portugal.

Picture of José Gabriel Quaresma

José Gabriel Quaresma

He began his career in 1990 at a local radio station. Two years later, he completed a degree in Journalism (Television, Radio, Press and Photojournalism). He joined TVI in 1995, in the Sports department, where he remained for 15 years. He was a reporter and presenter of sports programmes. He presented the most watched sports programme in the history of Portuguese television for 12 years. He was a Great Reporter and is currently an editor and presenter of news and information programmes for CNN Portugal. He teaches television journalism and communication and collaborates with the Portuguese Air Force Academy as a media coach. He is also CEO of Sardine Conjugation, a company that operates the brand, which specialises in media training.

Among other areas of professional activity, he has stood out as a UN Trainer in São Tomé and Príncipe (2019), Next Generation 2015 trainer, keynote speaker and moderator at various events, and author of 'Livro Directo - A Biografia de Mantorras' and 'Out of The Office - Trabalhar Nunca Foi Tão Fácil'.

Picture of Luís Paixão Martins

Luís Paixão Martins

He had a professional career as a journalist and director at Rádio Renascença, Rádio Comercial and Agência ANOP. In 1986, he set up LPM, which he developed over three decades as the leading company in the national communications consultancy market. He is referred to as the consultant for the historic electoral victories of António Costa, Aníbal Cavaco Silva and José Sócrates. He is the promoter of the NewsMuseum (Sintra). He lives between Lisbon, where he was born, and a village on the border of Monfortinho, where he maintains forestry and rural tourism activities.

Picture of Mateus Noronha

Mateus Noronha

Researcher at LabCom - Communication and Arts at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), he is a PhD candidate in Communication Sciences (UBI), with a master's degree in Communication, specialising in Institutional Communication (Federal University of Piauí). A journalist with more than 10 years' experience, he has also worked in parliamentary consultancy and institutional communication. He is a university lecturer in the areas of Communication Sciences and Journalism, focusing his research on media economics and strategic communication.

Picture of Paloma Piqueiras

Paloma Piqueiras

She holds a PhD in Advertising and Public Relations with an international distinction, a Master's degree in Organisational Communication and a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and is currently Professor of Public Communication at the Faculty of Media and Communication. Her main lines of research include the study of communication and participatory and inclusive governments. More specifically, Paloma Piqueiras evaluates the impact of citizen involvement on the tangible growth of nations. In this context, she studies the contribution of communication to the development and implementation of intangible value that is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Picture of Paulo Magalhães

Paulo Magalhães

He has a degree in Social Communication from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and is the current editor-general of CNN Portugal. He was a founder of TSF and politics editor at Rádio Renascença. He was press adviser to President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa during his first term in office.

His long CV includes several remarkable reports, including the one he did in the Vatican when Pope John Paul II died.

Picture of Samuel Mateus

Samuel Mateus

He has a PhD in Communication Sciences from NOVA University Lisbon and is the director of the first cycle in Communication, Culture and Organisations at the University of Madeira, where he teaches communication consultancy. A researcher at LabCom at the University of Beira Interior, he is also editor of the journal Estudos em Comunicação. He is the author of books on press relations, rhetoric and mediatisation. He is also a speaker, trainer in public communication and author of e-learning courses. He founded and hosts Academus, the first podcast to publicise the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Picture of Sara Batalha

Sara Batalha

She has been the CEO of MTW Portugal since 2008, a consultancy and leadership training company for the world's most admired brands and their leaders. Considered one of the most influential voices in media training and leadership in Portugal, she has been a regular on RTP, SIC, TVI, Expresso, Jornal de Negócios and Visão. A former journalist, he worked for twelve years at Expresso, radio and RTP. He has built a strong reputation for transforming thousands of leaders into powerful storytellers and communicators, in the largest and most relevant Portuguese brands, including Galp, Microsoft, Altice, Semapa, Amorim, EDP, Mota Engil, REN, SONAE, Volkswagen Digital Solutions, Vodafone, Mercedes-Benz, Deloitte, OutSystems, Stellaxius and Farfetch.

She is co-coordinator of the first international MBA in Soft Skills and Influence, in partnership with ABAI. She is also a guest lecturer at various institutions, such as ISCTE-IUL, the Catholic Universities of Porto and Braga, ISLA and ISEG-IDEFE.

He made the first non-verbal analysis of politicians in the Portuguese media during the 2009 legislative elections. She considers that she was "scrutinised by Ricardo Araújo Pereira in front of three million Portuguese and survived".

Picture of Vasco Ribeiro

Vasco Ribeiro

An associate professor at Porto Business School (University of Porto), he is currently chief of staff at Porto City Council. With a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho (2014), Vasco Ribeiro also has a master's degree in Political Journalism from the University of Porto (2006) and a degree in International Journalism from the Escola Superior de Jornalismo (1996). He directs the undergraduate and master's programmes in Communication Sciences at Porto Business School, the "Public Communication and Political Representation" course and teaches on the postgraduate course in Business Communication. He is an integrated researcher at CITCEM/FLUP and was a collaborating researcher at IHC/NOVA and CINTESIS.

He was press officer and later coordinator of the Press Office of the Socialist Party Parliamentary Bench in the Assembly of the Republic and also assistant to the President of the Economic and Social Council.

As a consultant, he has developed strategic communication plans - with a focus on crisis communication processes - for dozens of national companies, including Bogani Café, the Cerealis Group, the National Institute for Medical Emergencies, St John's Hospital, the Douro and Leixões Port Authority and Porto Canal.


Participation in the Strategic Communication Days is free of charge. However, registration is compulsory and must be completed by may 1st em

Scientific Commission

Gisela Gonçalves (Univ. of Beira Interior)
Hugo Sampaio (Univ. of Beira Interior)
Bianca Toniolo (Univ. of Beira Interior)
Mateus Noronha (Univ. of Beira Interior)

Organization Commission

Master's in Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations
Students of the Communication Consultancy Curriculum Unit


Young Researchers Working Group of Sopcom


Picture of Hugo Sampaio

Hugo Sampaio

Hugo Sampaio is a lecturer in the Department of Communication, Philosophy and Politics at the University of Beira Interior, a PhD candidate in Communication Sciences at LabCom and a postgraduate student in Management and Decision Science (University of Coimbra). His current research focuses on the communication of decentralisation in Portugal. In academic terms, he has also taught at the Lusófona University of Cape Verde, the Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute and the Miguel Torga Higher Institute (Coimbra).

She worked as a communications and institutional representative at the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, where she assisted two ministers and a secretary of state in coordinating various dossiers, including: liaising with Local Authorities and the governments of the Autonomous Regions; supervising Portugal's participation in international events such as the Venice Biennale and ARCO Madrid; supervising the implementation of policies by the Directorate-General for the Arts.

She has worked for national and international communications agencies and coordinated business and cultural projects, particularly at Madrid Emprende, the Pedro Nunes Institute (Coimbra) and Fundão Turismo. She worked on the productions for Expo'98 in Lisbon, the National Capitals of Culture in Porto and Coimbra and completed a traineeship at RTP.
Picture of Bianca Toniolo

Bianca Toniolo

Researcher at the research unit LabCom - Communication and Arts, University of Beira Interior (UBI, Covilhã, Portugal). PhD student in Communication Sciences (UBI/LabCom) with the project (Ref. 2020.05702.BD) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). Her research focuses on risk and crisis communication in the government context. She is developing a model to verify information quality issued about disasters of meteorological origin as forest fires.

Master's degree in Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations from UBI and a degree in Social Communication, with a major in Public Relations, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil). She has a postgraduation in Corporate Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (Umesp, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil).

With 20 years of professional experience, among other activities related to government communication, worked as an advisor for the Federal Government of Brazil (2005-2011), at the ministries of Education, Justice and Sports, and to the Digital Office of the governor of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) (2011-2012). At the Tourism Agency of RS (2012-2014), she coordinated the Tourism Working Group for the 2014 FIFA Football World Cup.

As well worked as a communication consultant for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI). In the private sector, she worked with communication and digital marketing and e-commerce in agencies and companies.