
Disinformation studies: perspectives to an emerging research field

The aim proposed for this ECREA 2021 post conference is to promote research that helps to define policies and strategies contributing to combat and effectively minimize the phenomena of disinformation and manipulation in the journalistic field. Thus, we intend to join together researchers who are interested in the topic, to develop this field of disinformation studies.
This initiative is part of the official program of the 8th ECREA ECC (online) conference Communication and Trust, scheduled for 6 to 9 September 2021.



The main goal of the event is to develop a set of studies and policies that allow us to identify and contribute to combat and effectively minimize the phenomena of misinformation and manipulation in the journalistic field.
In addition to fake news, the study of disinformation in the journalistic field includes theoretical paradigms and empirical approaches that go beyond those: bias, concealment of facts, agenda building, strategic use of sources, mobilization of emotion, empathic media and omission of data are studied in other contexts of journalism studies helping to clarify this new phenomenon.
There is a vast experience in the media effects theory, whose researchers studied, in due course, a set of phenomena of information and manipulation that today, with the necessary adaptations, constitute a corpus of examples and inspiration for new researches in different contexts.
Finally, new research trends began to emerge which constitute a valuable theoretical and experimental corpus for the contemporary and present times: empathic media, recognition of patterns of reading, identification of behavior and consumption patterns with far-reaching consequences around on social, cultural and political life and considerable impact on democratic, electoral and civic participation practices.


The organization of this post conference has established contacts with some academic journals, in order to consider special issues that include articles that may be submitted to us.

Journalism Practice. This Routledge journal will publish a special issue on the topic of our ECREA 2021 post-conference. Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract until September 1. More information here.
Book publisher. More information soon.



Re/media.Lab – Laboratory and Incubator of Local Media
LabCom – Communication and Arts
Media Veritas (media literacy program)
Journalism and Society SOPCOM Working Group


10 de setembro 2021




10 de setembro 2021





09:30 am – Welcome Session
10:00 am – 1st Session
11:30 am – Coffee Break
11:45 am – 2nd Session
01:00 pm – Lunch Break
02:30 pm – 3rd Session
03:00 pm – Coffee Break
03:15 pm – 4th Session
03:45 pm – Coffee Break
05:00 – Closing Conference