Chamada de Trabalhos

ECREA 2022 Post Conference “The State of Local Media”

We have begun to gradually emerge from an unprecedented global crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors, including the media. Journalism has once again performed an important mission, to guarantee populations the necessary information, in a climate of uncertainty. At the same time, the infodemic, disinformation and “fake news” had a privileged opportunity to grow. Production increased, as did exposure, especially in lockdown periods.

This panel focuses on small territories and communities, particularly local media. If studies in this field already showed us that it was a sector experiencing difficulties – a reality that is more evident in some countries than in others, especially with more fragile economies – the current state of the local media remains to be seen. From business and management changes to content distribution, through editorial and production challenges, there is a lot to study and learn about. Although this panel intends to take a transversal look at the transformations that have taken place in local media, thus updating existing knowledge, it also intends to address a topic that has been little present on media studies: disinformation in contexts of proximity, in communities, around local media.

What is the state of the local media, in this gradual process of “exit” from the Covid-19 pandemic? How did local media outlets and their journalists adapt? How did they experience the growing phenomenon of disinformation? And how did they manage to respond? On the other hand, how is AI and automated journalism helping or can it help local newsrooms? This are only some questions that we address to ECREA scholars with the goal of “Rethink Impact” of local media.

The organisation of the post conference will publish a book with the articles that may be submitted.

Abstracts (300 max.) should be sent to until 9th of September 2022.

Notice of acceptance will be given by the 23rd of September.


24 de outubro de 2022




24 de outubro de 2022





Under construction.