Introduction — The normative imperative: Sociopolitical challenges of strategic and organizational communication - 11
Evandro Oliveira and Gisela Gonçalves
The PR excellence theory and the strategic PR model: Aegon Santander case study - 17
Almeida, Matilde; de Carvalho Spínola, Susana
Public relations role and media data strategies issued by Saudi governmental organizations during the covid-19 pandemic crisis - 27
Alotabi, Mutaz
Nuclear energy as green? Analysis of the news media impact of the European Parliament’s declaration on the Complementary Delegated Act - 35
Amir, Riasat Muhammad
An outlook on the role of employees in organizational communication: the power of microboundary-spanners - 45
Andreu Perez, Loarre; Lee, Kyoungmin and Kim, Jeong-Nam
Celebrity communication management and fan charitable participation: towards the assimilation of symmetrical communication in entertainment public relations - 55
Andreu Perez, Loarre
Nudges in thermalism: a systematic literature review - 65
Antunes, Vera; Gonçalves, Gisela and Estevão, Cristina
Public interest communication and the advocacy strategies of non-profit organizations: the case of ODIF in Cape Verde - 75
Barreto, Ana Margarida and Brito, Nuno
Doctoral research on CSR in Spain: before and after the SDGS - 79
Barrio-Fraile, Estrella
When green is not green: the message of the awareness campaign against greenwashing by the portuguese association for consumer protection (DECO PROTESTE), and its reception by young portuguese university students - 87
Belim, Célia and Baptista, Raphael
Solving challenges of internal communication during the times of uncertainty in public sector: the case study of Lithuanian ministry - 97
Beniušis, Vytautas
Corporate lobbying on sustainable finance: how financial lobbying drives negative engagement behavior on Twitter - 111
Cinceoglu, Vesile; Matias Lievonen and Nadine Strauß
The challenges of communicating the italian recovery plan: investigating models, strategies, practices, and rhetorics - 121
Comunello, Francesca; Germani, Dario; Lovari, Alessandro; Marinelli, Alberto and Piromalli, Leonardo
The paradox of CSR communication: best practices to combat the paradox - 131
Costa, Bárbara and Leandro, Alexandra
Portuguese women in the strategic communication industry: perceptions on gender equality dimensions - 139
Cunha, Maria João; Cruz, Carla and Anunciação, Fábio
University fourth mission and nowadays society. Ethic imperative and relational challenges in the context of high education in Italy - 147
D’Ambrosi, Lucia; Martino, Valentina and Brescia, Paolo
From engagement to activism: what publics are demanding of organisations - 155
Dias, Patrícia and Andrade, José Gabriel
The impact of CEO activism in brand reputation: the PROZIS case - 161
Duarte, Alexandre
Behind the scenes of the matchmaking between private for-profit sector and cultural and creative sectors during pandemic. Added value, motivations, and companies’ benefits to join the portugal #entraemcena platform - 169
Foà, Caterina and Godinho, Catarina Pessoa
One thousand and one days. The role of trust signals for trustworthiness perception in startups and emerging brands - 177
Heluey, Nivea
Corporate purpose and its communication in small and medium-sized enterprises - how purpose orientation helps to achieve strategic communication goals - 193
Johann, Michael; Ziegele, Daniel; Beck, Leonie; Graf, Tanja; Grohmann, Xenia; Landau, Leonard; Lehmann, Christina; Liehr, Adrian; Rummeni, Friederike; Wettengel, Laura and Zierer, Sabrina
Going beyond obligatory disclosure – the identity projection of public agencies as invitation for social judgement - 203
Kaponya, Eva
Social participation in public organization: a case study of Santa Catarina’s Prosecutor Office (MPSC) - 213
Klein, Gisiela and Bier, Clerilei
Communicating for change: strategies used by portuguese feminists groups – Success and challenges - 223
Pereira, Ana Sofia; Lamy, Sónia; Cerqueira, Carla and Taborda, Célia
Habermas’s communicative action and the constructivist-relational theory as references for the communication of sustainability in organizations - 231
Ribeiro, Lauralice and Ribeiro, Paula
When human rights are out of the game: an analysis of the silencing of national teams during the 2022 World Cup - 241
Rocha, Fernando and Morais, Ricardo
Active citizenship, companies and purpose: the perspective of spanish society - 249
Ruiz-Mora, Isabel; Barroso, Maria Belén and Álvarez-Nobell, Alejandro
The sustainability narrative challenge: the Secil Group media framing in Portugal - 257
Soares, Andréia Melchiades
Public sector communication and gender perspectives. A pilot study on social media practices of italian regions - 265
Spalletta, Marica; Ducci, Gea; D’Ambrosi, Lucia and Folena, Camilla
Analysis of institutional communication strategies on Green Hydrogen in the Euro-Mediterranean region - 275
Toubal, Nazih
Editors and authors - 286