Call for Papers

Chamada MM* 2023

THE IMAGINARY OF THE MOUNTAIN - In this 4th edition, Magic Mountain* Art and Landscape focuses on the generic theme of the imaginary of the mountain. In their material concreteness and changing appearance, mountains reveal the entire universe. They bear witness to the transformation of the world, and allow us to investigate its origins. In their telluric force, they shape the personal and collective experience of the territory, their iconographic value being symmetrical to that of the perceptive experience and the prodigious visions they provide.

In this sense, and in the line of previous editions, MM* intends, once again, to become a stage for this conflict between the mountain and the senses, a place of convergence of the axes of artistic creation, research and fruition, not only around iconic images, but of what is possible to be seen and experienced from the mountains.

With this horizon, MM* promotes the development, sharing and presentation of (1) heterodox and original artistic proposals, to be exhibited, as well as (2) communication proposals based on creative practices, related to the mountain imaginary, the Serra da Estrela or any other mountain. The artistic projects and the communications selected by the scientific and artistic commission will be published in a special issue of Stellae* Revista de Arte (

MM*2023 © Francisco Paiva / Miguel B. Duarte


Proposals for communication and artistic projects 

On the generic theme of “The Imaginary of the Mountain”, the 4th edition of Montanha Mágica* Arte e Paisagem (Magic Mountain* Art and Landscape - will take place on the 16th and 17th of November 2023 at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã. Intending to continue to constitute itself as a place of convergence of the axes of creation, research and artistic fruition, it promotes the development, sharing and presentation of:


1 - Unorthodox and original artistic proposals, to be exhibited; It is

2 - Communication proposals related to the imaginary of the Mountain.


The artistic projects and communications selected by the Scientific and Artistic Commission will be later published in a special issue of the Stellae* Journal on Arts.


Proposals, in any language, must be submitted by June 20, 2023, to the email, with the following elements:


1 - Artistic Projects or Works of Art

  1. a) Author / artist name and affiliation;
  2. b) Contact details (email, telephone and address);
  3. c) Brief biography (up to 1,000 characters) and personal photograph;
  4. d) Title of the work / project and technical information;
  5. e) Summary of the project or work (up to 2,000 characters)
  6. f) 1 to 10 images (300 dpi) or links.


2 - Communication Proposals

  1. a) Author / artist name and affiliation;
  2. b) Contact details (email, telephone and address);
  3. c) Brief biography (up to 1,000 characters) and personal photograph;
  4. c) Title of the article;
  5. d) Abstract of the article (up to 2,000 characters);
  6. e) Complete article (up to 15,000 characters, including abstract, bibliography and notes (APA) .doc or .odt)


Note: The submission of images, works or texts implies the assignment of reproduction and dissemination rights in favor of UBI, within the scope of MM* and Stellae*, obviously with reference to the authors, who nevertheless retain their respective Copyrights.


Until june 20th 2023


Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã


Until june 20th 2023


Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã



(em atualização)