Communication Studies Publication


This book was written under the sign of diversity and contingency, even with regard to the circumstances surrounding its preparation and organization: the omnipresent, sad and famous “pandemic context” changed routines, forcing us to change deadlines, review editorial solutions and, perhaps also for this reason, generating, curiously, a timely and even nervous confrontation with the upcoming current. This explains and justifies the subtitle: emerging research themes.

The mapping of the circumstances that condition journalistic activity cannot be done in a closed way using a definitive recipe book.
The selected texts deal with urgent and contemporary phenomena, therefore objects of a research that is emerging and urgent: if the pandemic is not expressly referred to, perhaps because of the natural fatigue that the theme produces, there are new ups and downs of misinformation, the harassment of populist extreme right to investigative journalism, the way in which it became a phenomenon of resistance to the standardization of journalistic practices, the shocks over professional identity, the urgent questions about business models that ensure the sustainability of journalistic projects, the mapping of technological innovations produced by the arrival of intelligent machines in journalism, the critical questioning of the repercussions of gender identity, the ethical-deontological dilemmas that confront professionals, the change in the profiles of audiences and audiences, controversies about regulation in a context of transposition of new directives and legal frameworks that and, in the absence of consensus, they take refuge in generic proclamations that hardly respond to the concerns that the sectors affected by the change feel as their own.


João Carlos Correia & Inês Amaral (Orgs.)


LabCom Books






Apresentação: sobre a entropia e complexidade actuais do campo jornalístico - 9

A resistência do jornalismo de investigação - 25
Pedro Coelho & Marisa Torres da Silva

A deriva da desinformação: uma ameaça à identidade jornalística - 53
João Carlos Correia & Inês Amaral

Desafios ético-deontológicos do jornalismo na era digital - 79
João Miranda

Jornalismo em tempos de flexibilização do trabalho - 105
José Ricardo Carvalheiro

Do trauma pessoal ao silenciamento público: Implicações do assédio a mulheres jornalistas nos comentários online - 129
Rita Basílio de Simões

Comunicação, representação e identidade - 149
Maria João Silveirinha

Inteligência artificial e jornalismo: temas emergentes (2015-2020) - 175
Paulo Nuno Vicente & Ana Marta Moreira Flores

Os podcasts: um lugar novo para o regresso das histórias ao jornalismo - 195
Sílvio Santos

Audiências e jornalismo, uma relação difícil? - 215
Marisa Torres da Silva & Maria José Brites

Sustentabilidade do negócio dos jornais e desafios de gestão: a perspetiva dos executivos europeus e norte americanos - 237
Paulo Faustino

Os desafios da regulação, a transposição da Diretiva Serviços de Comunicação Social Audiovisual e as plataformas de partilha de vídeos - 273
Mariana Lameiras

Sobre os Autores - 295