Strategic Communication Conference

Under the theme "Public and Political Communication", the Strategic Communication Days will be a forum of excellence where academics and professionals from different countries will debate the importance of communication in mobilising citizens on issues of collective interest. Communication is proving increasingly fundamental to strengthening democracy, providing the public with clarification on public policies and electoral processes.

This event will discuss best practices in public and political communication, including topics such as communication consultancy in electoral contexts, public relations in government, communication as public policy, media relations and press relations, preparation of spokespeople and media training, inter-municipal communication and inter-ministerial communication.

It is intended that the Strategic Communication Days will be an opportunity to hear from experts with a wealth of experience and to debate, as professionals and academics, ways of improving public and political communication, with a view to ensuring that citizens are informed and involved.

The Strategic Communication Days are an event organised by LabCom - Communication and Arts in partnership with the Communication Advisory students of the Masters in Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation at the University of Beira Interior. The event is aimed at professors, researchers and students of Communication Sciences and Political Science, but also at communication professionals, journalists, communication and press officers.


3 de maio de 2023


Faculdade de Artes e Letras | Universidade da Beira Interior - Auditório I da Parada


3 de maio de 2023


Faculdade de Artes e Letras | Universidade da Beira Interior – Auditório I da Parada