
Montanha Mágica* Art and Landscape 2021 (3rd Edition)

The third international meeting Montanha Mágica* continues in the evocation of Landscape as a way of seeing, understanding, representing and manufacturing the territory, insofar as such processes are interdependent on the capacity for symbolic and poetic exaltation, but also pragmatic and critical, which, in its increasingly extensive and multimedia field, Art works.

Landscape is considered here as a tangible phenomenon, which can be seen but also touches us, which we represent but also constitutes us as people: “The world and I are in each other”, says Merleau-Ponty, reflecting on this fleeting coincidence of the flow of space and time, of experience and distance, of how, although distinct, “things pass through us, just as we do through things”. So that the landscape names this interior crossing, this “wandering herd of sensations” and chance that the durable substance of the world is made of.

With the Anthropocene as a cyclorama, MM* is a platform that magnetizes heterodox visions of artists and researchers who, under the pretext of the encounter with the mountain epitomized by Mann's masterpiece, demand in this forum a progressive and more acute indexation of aesthetics to ethics as a strategy to combat the degradation that global capitalism has been inflicting on the ecosystem, of which we are a part. In this search for convergence and community reinforcement, MM* crosses different audiences and generations.

Like the previous ones, the Magic Mountain* culminates in the symposium and exhibitions. In addition to the activities taking place at UBI, Covilhã, it involves artistic residencies in Serra da Estrela (Seia, Sabugueiro and Manteigas) and in Trás-os-Montes. The production is the result of a partnership between the courses of the Department of Arts, in particular the Doctorate in Media Arts, LABCOM, the Wool Museum, the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country and the LaSIA Research Group, including the precious support from the municipal councils of Vinhais and Covilhã.

MM*2021 © Francisco Paiva


25-26 NOVEMBER 2021


Auditório do Museu de Lanifícios, UBI


25-26 NOVEMBER 2021


Auditório do Museu de Lanifícios, UBI




26 NOVEMBER 2021
Auditório do Museu de Lanifícios, UBI

9:00 - Abertura
10:00 - Laura Gibellini, Facultad de Bellas Artes de la U. Complutense de Madrid Drawing Mountains—Depicting the Invisible

10:30 - Daniel Moreira e Rita Castro Neves
Por um caminho de pé posto

11:00 - Unai Requejo, Facultad de Bellas Artes U. País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Un.
Paisaje sin lente: aplicaciones del escaner 3DLidar en la creación.

11:30 - António Meireles, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
12:00 - Frederico Dinis, CEIS20, U. Coimbra
Performatividade da Memória da Paisagem

12:30 - Projecção dos filmes, resultantes da residência artística no âmbito da MM* 2019:
-- Cores de outono (2020), 7’, Realização: Lucas Tavares; Produção: Fausto Muniz
-- A aldeia do Diabo (2020), 11’, Realização e produção: Bruno Acosta, Marcos Kontze, Melissa Gomes, Tom Freitas.

-- Almoço

14:00 - Alastair Fuad-Luke, ESAD, Porto Design Bienalle
Living Assemblages: Can “regenerative design” help climb the mountain towards multi-species sympoiesis?

14:30 - Emanuel de Castro e Hugo Gomes, Estrela Geopark Unesco
Leitura da Paisagem a partir da história Geológica da Serra da Estrela

14:30 - Alastair Fuad-Luke, ESAD, Porto Design Bienalle
Living Assemblages: Can “regenerative design” help climb the mountain towards multi-species sympoiesis?

15:00 - Paulo Freire Almeida, EAAD Universidade do Minho PT
Ruinas contemporâneas. As formas de uma natureza às avessas

15:30 - Jesus Osório, FBA Universidad de Granada
Histórias de uma montanha

16:00 - Susana Lemos, UBI MA
Grupo do Risco: imersão e magia no lugar

16:30 - Luís Filipe Rodrigues e Rui Algarvio
Residência Artística # 01 - A Paisagem que me Representa - Covilhã

16:45 - Paulo Cunha, Manuela Penafria e Fernando Cabral
Residência Artística # 02 - Primeiro corte dos filmes - Seia

17:00 - Fernando Aranda, nia Pais, Brígida Ribeiros e Miguel Oliveira
Residência Artística # 03 - Paisagem a Adentro - Covilhã

17:30 - Lançamento do n.º 1 da Stellae* Revista de Arte / Journal on Arts
18:00 - Frederico Dinis - Transient boundaries, performance
18:30 - Encerramento